Monday, July 25, 2011

Blonde on Blonde

"He who fights monsters might take care lest he become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." --Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

Let's face it, it's Christmas in July for the anti-American left, in the person of Anders Breivik. Finally, after years of insisting, against all evidence, that the American right posed a clear and present danger to the peacable republic, they have a bloody shirt to wave. Finally, they can say with a straight face that not all terrorism comes from Islam and the left. Bill Maher, Michael Moore and Barack Obama are rejoicing today. Thanks a bunch, Anders, for nothing. Do me a favor, homicidal maniacs--stay off my side.

Of course, it's a distinct possibility that the left will overplay this full house, thinking it's a straight flush. Already, they're braying in the lefty netherworld that the Norwegian butchery is the work of a Christian conservative and unmasks the true face of the right everywhere--which means that some shill on MSNBC will take up that refrain tonight. But, even though his hastily posted English language Facebook page identified him as a conservative and a Christian, Breivik is neither. He may be nominally Christian, but shows no evidence, in his life, of being practically so. He is anti-Islam, anti-Marxism and anti-multiculturalism, which is not the same thing. Nor is he a conservative, because conservatives, by definition, strive to operate within the law, which does not preclude war, but does preclude terrorism.

Yet today (as the left is wont to do), I'm going to indulge in some sympathy for the devil. Madness can be found throughout the political spectrum and in any political creed. Breivik, quite simply, is mad. He took it upon himself to fight monsters--and the jihadists, Marxists and multiculturalists are monsters, judged by their fruits--and became a monster. More monster--he seems not the sort to bring a knife to a gunfight. He stared down into an abyss, into which everything he held dear was falling; the abyss looked back into him and won the staredown.

Was it the fault of the Muslim fundamentalists pouring into Norway, straining the system, and changing the national character and ethos? They were, after all, just being what they always were. Or was it the fault of his countrymen in power, in the person of the socialist Labor party, who allowed it first and continued to appease and allow it in the face of increasing unrest? Before taking leave of his senses, Breivik sensibly concluded the latter. He decided to attack the problem where it lived. He might have detonated his nitrate bomb in a Muslim quarter in Oslo, rather than target a government building. He might have become a one-man execution squad in a crowded mosque, rather than an enisled socialist youth camp (where a pro-Palestinian Arab rally had been held, by the way, just the day before). But those actions would likely have stirred up sympathy for those Breivik wanted out of his country, so he faced the beast and took aim at those he felt were truly responsible. Rather than nominal Christian against Muslim, culture against culture, pale against swarthy, Breivik attacked blonde on blonde. And his clear message was this: if the present state of affairs is not stopped and reversed, Norway's leftist powers-that-be will pay and pay dearly. From today on, it's no longer about politics in the abstract. Today, the discomfort of the Norwegian people becomes real for you, and ignoring them will cost you your very skins and the lives of your children. Breivik suffered from the subterranean homesick blues and was bringing it all back home.

Now I, myself, like Brievik, am vehemently anti-jihad, anti-political and cultural Marxism, anti-multiculturalism--these things have never been anything but a scourge upon the land that must be eradicated--so Breivik's thinking is not hard to understand. But it is mad, and madness often makes its own perfect sense--until it ultimately crashes into the stone wall of reality. In reality, both Christianity and conservatism insist that force of arms is the last resort, and when necessarily used, be used justly and in proportion. In reality, the tactics of the world's bloodthirsty jihadis have all the real power on earth aligned against them. They may fight on for years and kill thousands, even millions--if they get lucky or we let our guard down--but they will lose. In reality, no matter what the lefty opportunists say, Breivik is mad, a traitor to the cause, a bringer of darkness, a monster fighting monsters in his mind and a creature of the abyss.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post, Daniel! You often have a knack for articulating exactly what I'm thinking too! This guy IS a monster! I also happen to have the same fears and concerns that he does, but I'm not going to embark on a mass murdering spree. There are unhinged people in every group. That's a fact of life. Hitler liked dogs and hating smoking. I like dogs and hate smoking. I imagine there are a few other common interests as well. But the guy was evil incarnate. It's so unfortunate that our opponents try to lump us all together, and will now speak of the dangers of islamophobia. Never mind the dangers of islamofascism. Just a way to try to regulate our speech. Meanwhile, left wings pundits are not held to account for talking about angry hate sex with Michelle Bachmann. I'm so tired of the one-way-street tolerance. It's enough to drive a person crazy! But not violent!
