Friday, February 26, 2010

Ode on a Kenyan Urkel

He's totalitarian--and quite the contrarian;
He's deaf to the howls of the people.
When you lay the facts bare: he just doesn't care;
He hears only the baas of his sheeple.

He's no uniter, that smirking divider;
And he's decidedly not the Decider.
He's no reformer--just a soulless Transformer--
And a birth certificate hider.

Should you call him a danger to all we hold dear
And a smug egotistical prick;
He'll call you a fool and duck out for a Kool;
He's a wolf-crying, Bush-blaming dick.

He compounds each error, makes light of terror;
(For a commie, he's got a great gig.)
To him, we're a joke--he'll just keep blowing smoke.
Our four-flushing socialist pig.

He was hailed as a Savior, but he's nobody's hero;
He'll slink off a bad joke, with an approval of zero.
But with the help of his goons, he'll first leave us in ruins--
Our vacationing, fiddling Nero.

He'll preach all night to his Amen Chorus;
And a delusional few still believe that he's for us,
He says "Let me be clear," but his thinking is porous,
Salutes the flag, but gives allegiance to Soros.

There'll be no red states at all by the end of his time,
No independent American workers;
Obedience will be virtue, non-compliance will be crime,
And our women will all hide in burkhas.

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