Sunday, August 29, 2010

You Just Might Be A Pinko...Part One

First, an explanation. I never use the hijacked word liberal. Prior to the 20th century, a liberal was a rational free thinker about society and the state and a respectable thing to be. Today's American liberal does not conform to any part of that description. Likewise, I refuse to use progressive, because that assumes--falsely--that implementing the progressive project would, in fact, be progress. I don't use socialist, because the hybrid American socialism envisioned by fellows like Eugene Debs and Norman Thomas was adopted by the Democratic party long ago--and has been the governing assumption since the New Deal. It's not fair--yet--to call everyone holding left-of-center sympathies one of the loaded totalitarian lefty terms like communist or Fascist, because many of our countrymen are simply confused. So to me, if you're out there wandering in the lefty wilderness, you belong to the catch-all resurrected category of pinko. And you might just be a pinko...

...if you call yourself a feminist and a multiculturalist. Feminism, a brainchild of the western world, barely exists outside it. As a rule, the non-western multiculti world dismisses women, ranging from gentle consignment to second-class citizenship to brutal genital mutilation and honor killing. To be consistent, a multiculti must be anti-feminist, and vice versa, but as a pinko, you care nothing for consistency. You suffer from a condition called cognitive dissonance: holding two opposed ideas in mind at once and believing both, but, as a pinko, you can live with that.

...if you think it's constitutional to be forced to show proof of health insurance, but unconstitutional to be asked to show proof of citizenship.

...if you weep because war is not healthy for children and other living things, but want to increase government funding for Planned Parenthood.

...if you think that illegal aliens should be covered by ObamaCare--and that refusing to participate in ObamaCare should be illegal.

...if you think that freedom of religion means freedom from religion. As far as you're concerned, if you hear a church bell toll, religion is being established in your sovereign mental space.

...if it doesn't disturb you that the same government that claims it's too hard to upload a huge health care bill to the internet claims that it can command and control the health care of a nation, no sweat.

...if you believe this statement: "It's important to counter media portrayals that paint a frightening picture of adolescent sexuality and its consequences by teaching teens the upside of sex." Never mind that "the upside of sex" has been the #1 topic on the adolescent mind since Noah sailed. Forget that our culture constantly trumpets the joy of sex for its own sake as though it were our Muslim call to prayer. Ignore the unholy trio of unwed motherhood, abortion and STDs. Hey, you're a pinko! You believe that if we can save just one young person from feeling guilty, it's worth it.

...if you believe that one of the main jobs of public education is to teach the cardinal virtue of tolerance, but that schools should have "zero tolerance" policies regarding aberrant behaviors, such as a 5-year-old boy trying to steal a kiss on the playground, or pointing his finger like a pistol, or drawing a picture of a cross.

...if you believe that a teacher who can't keep order or teach kids how to read and write is nevertheless qualified to bring the same kids up to speed on the birds and bees. And if that includes showing fifth graders how to roll a rubber onto a banana, well...isn't it a useful skill?

...if you believe that justice--legal, economic or social justice--means anything other than getting what you truly deserve.

This is but the tip of the iceberg into which American culture is about to crash. Or maybe we have crashed, and are scrambling for lifeboats before we sink. But if you are a pinko, you see no crisis, much less disaster, and are busy rearranging deck chairs. Good luck with that. Or maybe you still don't see yourself as a pinko. If so, watch this space for further clues.

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